JPaulJones Advertisements

Here are both digital advertisements and email campaigns that I created while working as a graphic designer at JPaulJones. JPaulJones is a product development company with their two main products being the EyeVac Touchless Vacuum, and Nexersys home gym equipment.

EyeVac Digital Advertisements

Here are a set of ads for a digital campaign for the EyeVac Plus. The Plus model is the standard touchless vacuum combined with the convenience of a hands free trash can. The target of these Bottom of Funnel ads are people who are aware of the brand and may even own an EyeVac, but are looking to upgrade their home for even more ease of every day cleaning. I wanted the ads to be simple, but also provoke curiosity to the viewer about what makes EyeVac Plus better than everyday trashcan.

EyeVac Email Campaigns

Here are a few of my favorite email templates I’ve created for the EyeVac. My goal when starting to work on the campaigns were to make them more fun and engaging compared to how the previous set of emails in the past felt. I wanted the hero image of each email to feel exciting and appealing to the viewer, and the copy to be light hearted and sensible as most of the people receiving them, were already familiar with the product.

Nexersys Email Campaigns

While I didn’t get to work on too many Nexersys email campaigns, the ones I did work on were a fun change of pace from the EyeVac. Nexersys as a brand is energetic, fast-paced, and fun, so I wanted to incorporate those feelings in both the hero image and copy when working on these email templates.


Sriracha Mock Campaign


I Squared Capital